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Universal Turning Lathes
With the wide range of Bernardo universal lathes, which you can buy in our online shop, you are optimally equipped for a wide range of professional applications! Workpieces of the most varied dimensions and materials, such as steel and various plastics, can thus be processed without any problems. Listed are universal lathes with digital display and infinitely variable speed control. A universal lathe is usually used in variable production, in repair shops and in the training sector to produce workpieces in series.
Buy universal lathe online for industrial companies
Due to their performance and versatility, all machines are in the higher investment segment - an investment that pays off for companies in any case thanks to maximum precision, processing and durability. Smaller companies will already find a machine tool in an entry-level model such as the Bernardo Universal Turning Machine Standard 180 N that is easy to use, well equipped and extensively expandable. Machines such as the Bernardo Titan 560 x 3000 Vario, on the other hand, are more likely to be used in practice in large manufacturing companies. With a comprehensive range of equipment including 3-jaw chucks, steady rests, change gears, 3-axis position indicators, etc., and state-of-the-art technology, such machine tools can be used in a wide range of applications in mechanical engineering.
1 to 72 (from a total of 77)
What are universal lathes used for?
Universal lathes can be used for much more than just turning. If you buy a universal lathe, you also have the possibility of milling, grinding, drilling or threading.
Which turning processes can be mastered with universal lathes?
Turning processes carried out with universal lathes can be classified according to two criteria: the position of the machining point and the direction of movement. The term "external turning" is used when the external surfaces of a workpiece are machined, and the term internal turning is used analogously when surfaces that lie in a bore are machined. Longitudinal turning is when the tool moves in the direction of the Z axis. If the tool moves in the direction of the X axis, the operation is called facing.
Which turning processes can be mastered with universal lathes?
Turning processes carried out with universal lathes can be classified according to two criteria: the position of the machining point and the direction of movement. The term "external turning" is used when the external surfaces of a workpiece are machined, and the term internal turning is used analogously when surfaces that lie in a bore are machined. Longitudinal turning is when the tool moves in the direction of the Z axis. If the tool moves in the direction of the X axis, the operation is called facing.
What speed do I have to set to drill on a universal lathe?
Which speed you have to set on a component depends on how large the largest diameter is in the machining area. Whether you buy a drill or a universal lathe has no influence on the ideal speed. Basically, this applies:
Speed = cutting speed x 1000 divided by diameter x 3.14

Speed = cutting speed x 1000 divided by diameter x 3.14

What is the minimum drilling diameter for pre-drilling on universal lathes?
Whether or not pre-drilling makes sense depends on the one hand on the machine - strong machines can sometimes do without pre-drilling - and on the other hand on the diameter of the hole. As a general rule, from a drilling diameter of 10 millimetres, it makes sense to pre-drill in order to achieve better centering.